

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines Day! Or not...

The holiday that isn't really a holiday. Some people hate it with a passion. I was indifferent for many years, seeing as how I didn't have a significant other. I've mentioned before that I am a shy person, which was a stumbling block for dating. I won't go into the embarrassing details of how few dates I went on as a young adult, but during those years the only Valentines I got were from my parents and the students I worked with. I'm not saying they weren't appreciated, but it just wasn't the same. Now that I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world, Valentines Day still isn't that important. I love my husband no matter what day it is and I try to show that in my actions and with my words all the time. I prefer holidays that have a deeper meaning, though I do enjoy the candy.

My husband has to work all day today, so we did most of our celebrating a couple days early. On Thursday, we went to Olive Garden. (gift cards!) There was a mix-up with our seating and we were offered a free appetizer. We choose their lasagna fritta. It was DELICIOUS!!! Yesterday, I made a coconut cream pie for my hubby, which is his favorite dessert and we watched Tangled.  Sometime today when my hubby has a break from work, he's getting something simple for me. (Dove dark chocolate) Our budget won't allow much, but that's okay. We still love each other.

For those of you who hate Valentines Day, I hope you can enjoy your weekend anyway.

Only two more weeks until my Super Fan fun starts! Don't forget to join so you can get in on the action!

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