

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


After a little more consideration, I'm going to only submit The Bride to that fantasy publisher I mentioned last post, at least for now. Since I will be submitting it in its manuscript form, it is an opportunity to tweak a few things and fix any lingering errors. I'm not going to do any major overhauls, but I thought I'd open up the floor to my readers. Any suggestions on minor changes? (And I mean minor. Like a word or two. I might even consider a sentence.) Or places you've noticed a tiny error? Don't be offended if I choose not to use your suggestion. Fill free to use the comments here or email me--

If by some miracle they accept my book, I'll have to remove it from all its current listings. Which means it will no longer be for sale until they publish it, which could be up to a year from now. Hopefully it will all work out!

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