

Saturday, May 9, 2015


So tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the U.S. Not everyone is a fan for their own reasons, and that's okay. I for one choose to enjoy it. Not because I'm a mother, (because I'm not) but because there are great examples of motherhood in my life. My own mom is a wonderful person. She is kind and compassionate, funny and beautiful. I literally wouldn't be here without her :)  I love her so much. My sister and sisters-in-law are, or will someday be, great mothers as well. I'm so grateful for my niece and nephews. My grandmothers, including those who have passed on, and other family members will always hold a special place in my heart. I can't forget my mother-in-law. She is a great woman and I'm especially grateful to her for raising such a wonderful son.

While all the above is true, there is a small part of me that is sad on Mother's Day. Some of you may know this, and I may have even mentioned it here, but my husband and I have struggled with infertility for the past 5+ years. We don't have a diagnosis to explain the difficulty as of yet, but we continue to hope for a miracle. Adoption is definitely a possibility, though we don't currently have the financial stability to pursue it. It is such a hard thing to explain to those who haven't experienced it. I ache inside, wishing I could utilize the love and caring I have with a family of my own. I try not to feel resentful or jealous of the hundreds of exciting birth announcements or beautiful baby pictures posted on social media. Even though I AM happy for them, it is hard sometimes. I have to rely on my faith and focus on the many blessings I already have. If or when that day finally comes, I have great examples to glean from. I love all the mothers in my life. Happy Mother's Day!

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