

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Super Fan Fun #3 Coming Soon

There wasn't a SFF in May, mostly because I wasn't sure what to do next, but now I think I know, and it will come in June. But first, I would really like to increase the membership. If you've read even one of my books, or are planning to, please join! My plan is to do an online Q&A (I'll figure out where/when soon) concerning me as a writer, my books, and pretty much anything else that is applicable for public knowledge. I'll send out the invitations sometime mid-June and then the "event" will happen at the end of the month. I'm willing to do this even with just the few members I have now, but I'd REALLY like more people involved. Join, spread the word, make posters, knock on doors... Anyway, start brewing some questions in your fabulous brains.

P.S. There may or may not be a giveaway involved. :)

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