

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Get To Work!

I just finished my latest round of Day Job, so for the next several weeks I will be able to focus more on writing. My goal to finish Foretold by the end of August is still in play. I'll also be working on the book cover (I have a few ideas) and getting some Samurai Penguin scenes added to my inventory. Lots to do! FYI, in about six weeks, I will hit my 300th post, which I think deserves a giveaway. I'll get that set up soon, so stay tuned.

I mentioned a while ago that hubby and I plan to set up a website for us to use for all our creativeness. We haven't had the time or money to do it yet, but it looks like that will finally be in the works in the next month or two. It's going to be awesome! We'll have pages for art, writing, cooking, contests, and other fun stuff. We really hope it will turn into something profitable as well, seeing as how we both dislike our day jobs. It will take a lot of work and time, but we're excited about it.

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