

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Goodbye, Summertime

I'm still alive, in case you were worried. During the weeks away from blogging, many things happened. I hurt my back and was stuck in bed for a week. I have back problems on occasion. This particular time I was making sandwiches. Ta da! Seriously though, I must have done something earlier in the day that I didn't notice at the time and standing at the kitchen counter, scooping out an avocado was the kicker. Pinched a nerve like a champ. Hurt like a swear. It also prevented us from going camping with my family. Something we had planned months in advance.

Hubby and I went to our local water park. It was my first time there. If you didn't already know, I can't swim and I have a moderate fear of water. Needless to stay, I had a hard time relaxing and having fun. We'll try again next year.

I got to babysit my adorable niece for a couple of days. She turned four in August. She is so smart and creative. I just adore her!

Hubby and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and also his birthday. They are one day apart. For our anniversary, we ate out at Olive Garden (yay for gift cards). For his birthday, I made Thai curry, a copycat version of the Bangkok Curry from Noodles and Co. It was delicious. The gift we got for both occasions, and probably for my birthday in October, was a Wii U. It's a fun little distraction from other things that need to get done, like dishes and day job.

I'm sure some of you are wondering about a little goal I set for myself to finish writing Foretold by the time I got back. Don't hate my guts. I'm still not done. I'm not disappointed in myself, though. It hasn't been working out the way I wanted, which means a lot of rethinking. I want it to be the best I can make it, so until that happens, I will keep working on it. Please have patience with me. It is coming.

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