

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Welcoming Juan

My amazing sister is expecting her second child in November. This will be nephew #3. (I have one niece.) We're all really excited for him to come. Since he doesn't yet have a name, I've decided to call him Juan Pierre. I think it offers some needed ethnic variety. (Their last name is of Scottish flavor, which makes it even better.) I don't think they're sold on it yet.

For fun, my mom, sisters-in-law, and I are throwing a very small baby shower for my sister on Saturday. I guess it's called a 'baby sprinkle' when it's for the second baby. No lame games, just food and conversation. And gifts. Yesterday, I did some shopping. I got a bunch of diapers and wipes and some cute outfits. As part of my gift, I will be painting adorable pictures on some white onesies. I also have a little surprise up my sleeve. I'll share pics of everything later on. I won't be doing a post on Saturday so I can get stuff ready. I'm sure you'll survive the weekend without me :)

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