

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Where is She?

During the past week, I've seen a few stories on Facebook about people finding a complete stranger who looks like them. Their doppelgänger. Apparently, there's a chance that everyone has up to seven people somewhere in the world who looks like them. Pretty cool. Well, I found a website that is helping people find their doppelgängers. It's called It's easy to sign up. I did yesterday and spent a good two hours looking at pictures of potential twin strangers. No luck so far. There's a possibility I won't find anyone. Maybe my twins aren't on the site. I'm going to keep looking!

Happy Halloween! I'm not planning on doing anything particularly Halloween-y. Yes, I'll be one of those Scrooges who hides in their home, ignoring the doorbell as the trick-or-treaters come by. Not that I expect many kids. If I remember correctly, no one came last year. We are, however, going out for dinner. I've got a coupon :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


One of my bestest friends texted me yesterday to tell me that she finished reading Taela and that she loved it! I know she had been meaning to read it since it came out and finally was able to. She's going to start Sources soon. I feel so happy knowing that my hard work is actually worth it, because there are times when I'm less certain. Sales are not great, but I don't expect them to be until I can financially do more to spread the word. Of course, I love it when my few loyal fans help me out. Something as simple as mentioning one of my books or my blog could potentially bring another awesome fan. I want to do fun things with my fans. I haven't done a Super Fan activity in a while, but I will get back on track soon. I have an idea that I think could be fun, but I'll wait a bit longer before mentioning it.

By the way, with Christmas coming up, you could start thinking of friends and family who enjoy reading...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Gift for All

My birthday is tomorrow. Yay for me! My hubby and I are going out to eat tonight. I have a couple of restaurant coupons that will get me free food, so we're going to live it up by spending as little money as possible. Tomorrow, we're heading out to my parents' house for dinner. No big deal, but I'm looking forward to it.

A couple of posts ago, I offered the idea of letting everyone read the first chapter of Foretold as my gift to you. It has not been looked at by my editor yet, so there could be changes later on, but you'll get the gist. I suppose if you haven't read the first two books in the series, you won't know what's going on, but you're still welcome to read it. Books One and Two are any where from free to $1.99 (the ebook versions), depending on where you purchase them. Now's a great time to get them!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

In a Theater Not So Far Away...

Just bought our tickets for the new Star Wars movie. It looks pretty dang awesome! I just hope that nothing comes up to prevent us from going. Last time I bought tickets ahead of time was for Ant Man and I hurt my back that afternoon. We had to go later, buying tickets all over again. I don't like wasting money. The only other movie I can think of that I'm planning to see this year is the final Hunger Games. Though I enjoyed all the books, I'm not as excited, because I already know what happens. With Star Wars, it'll all be new. My husband is concerned that JJ Abrams will mess it up like he did Star Trek. I have no qualms with his Star Trek movies, so I'm not too worried. One of my all-time favorite TV shows is Alias, which Abrams also did. Then again, he did Lost as well, and that show was only good for a season or two. As long as it isn't an M. Night Shyamalan/Last Airbender type fiasco. That movie makes me want to weep and scream in rage at the same time. I heard he's planning to do a sequel... Someone stop him!! Anyway, I'll probably do a review of Star Wars sometime after I see it. Two months to go!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lindsey Makes Everything Better

Sorry for the late/short post. I was distracted by other matters, and exercising. I try to walk/run on the treadmill at least three times a week, including Saturdays. I don't particularly enjoy it, but it's tolerable if I'm jamming out to Lindsey Stirling. I love her music. I've probably mentioned this, but I have her two albums on repeat and will listen to them all day long, over and over. I can't wait till her next one comes out. I have no idea when that will be. In the meantime, I'll get Enya's new album next month. (SQUEEEEE!) If those two ladies ever collaborated together, I think I'd die of happiness.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lower Ebook Price

I've decided to lower the ebook price for Sources in preparation for the release of Foretold. Starting tomorrow, it will go from $2.99 to $1.99 on Amazon. Other retailers, like Barnes and Noble, iBookstore, and Kobo will not have the new price for about 30 days. They just take longer to adjust. However, will have the new price and they offer versions that work on many different devices, so check there.

I hope to start on the cover for Foretold soon, so stay tuned.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Big 3-4!

My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. In the past I've done a giveaway to celebrate, but funds in my bank account are a bit low at the moment. I've been trying to think of something else to do instead. A while back, I let my Super Fans read the (unedited) first chapter of Foretold. I might make it available to everyone for the occasion. What do you think?

Speaking of Foretold, this book is giving me stress. There are things that I'm not happy with that need to be tweaked in a serious way. I have some ideas on how to fix the problems, so hopefully I'll get back on track to actually finishing the darn thing. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cuteness Overload

The baby shower/sprinkle was a success. My sister got a bunch of adorable outfits for baby Juan. (If you didn't read my previous post, the baby's name is not really Juan. That's just what I'm calling him until he gets a name.) I promised to show pics of what I made/gave, so here they are.

The Onesies:

Cap is my favorite

An awesome narwhal

If you can't tell, there are dinos in the background

 A cute little monster. I call him Squirt.

Pictures for baby's room:

I actually did something to the background of the pictures later on. (Some splotches of blue.) I drew the pics on foam board and then painted with acrylic. Lots of fun! I'll probably do some Disney princesses for my niece for Christmas.