

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Where is She?

During the past week, I've seen a few stories on Facebook about people finding a complete stranger who looks like them. Their doppelgänger. Apparently, there's a chance that everyone has up to seven people somewhere in the world who looks like them. Pretty cool. Well, I found a website that is helping people find their doppelgängers. It's called It's easy to sign up. I did yesterday and spent a good two hours looking at pictures of potential twin strangers. No luck so far. There's a possibility I won't find anyone. Maybe my twins aren't on the site. I'm going to keep looking!

Happy Halloween! I'm not planning on doing anything particularly Halloween-y. Yes, I'll be one of those Scrooges who hides in their home, ignoring the doorbell as the trick-or-treaters come by. Not that I expect many kids. If I remember correctly, no one came last year. We are, however, going out for dinner. I've got a coupon :)

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