

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Couldn't Wait!

Newest nephew (aka Juan Pierre) decided to make his grand entrance into the world last Thursday! His due date was later this month, (around the 24th I think), but like his big sister (who was born a month early) he couldn't wait to be with his family. The whole labor story/experience was a bit on the scary side. He was sideways during their last Dr.'s visit. A c-section was planned. But, little dude decided he'd handle it on his own. Early Thursday morning, things got started. Mom and Dad got to the hospital and literally minutes later, he was on the way--breech. No doctor was in sight. The nurses stepped in like champs. Luckily, everything turned out okay. He and my sister are both doing great. He was 5 lbs. 14 oz, 18 inches. For the first couple of days, they weren't sure on a name. I was still holding out for J.P...

Welcome Jace Jeffrey!

Isn't he scrumptious?!

Here he is with his favorite aunt.

I adore my niece and nephews! They are the closest thing I get to being a mom.  Until I have angels of my own, I'm content to do all I can to spoil them. That's what good aunts do, right? :)

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