

Saturday, November 21, 2015

On My List

I thought it would be fun to share my Christmas list. I know I won't be getting most of these with our tight little budget, but I can always use the same list next year.

1) A watch, small and silver. I don't do gold.
2) Boots. I have several pairs already, but I would never say no to more. I'm thinking of branching out into colors like blue and red.
3) Shirts, blouses, sweaters. I generally like to pick these out myself, and I would get them from my local thrift stores. Which reminds me, there's a new store just up the street that I have to check out...
4) An electric frying pan. I have a square one. I think I'd like a rectangle one as well.
5) Scarves. Along with boots, scarves are my favorite cold season apparel. And sweaters.
6) Any Disney or Pixar movie I don't yet own. On blu-ray.
7) Dark chocolate. Preferably Dove brand.
8) The new Enya album. I told my husband that I want this the most. It will probably be my only gift from him, and I'm fine with that.
9) Pistachios. Mmmmmm.
10) A crockpot. We have one, but I kinda dropped it while cleaning it and now it has a crack. (Those darn things are heavy!) It might still be usable if I have a liner inside. I'll be trying it next week when I cook a chicken. Cross your fingers.

If any of you feel like giving me a gift this year, just tell your friends and family about my books. That's the best thing for a struggling author. :)

I'm currently working on gifts for family. I finished the princess pictures for my niece. I'll show them to you after Christmas. I have some fun ideas for the nephews, if I can find the stuff I need. Being poor doesn't mean I can't give great gifts. I'm pretty lucky to have useful talents. I hope the recipients feel the same way.

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