

Saturday, February 13, 2016

So Close

I'm sure we all saw the news about the almost 8th Harry Potter book. It was the best literary news in years. Now we know it's just the play's script in book form, which I guess is the next best thing. I'll totally read it, since I likely won't get the opportunity to fly to London for the show. Even if the play comes stateside, I'll still probably never get the chance to see it. However, I am planning to go to one (or both) of the Universal Studios' Harry Potter attractions someday. Maybe even this year, if the stars align just right. Anyway, all this HP news has made me want to read the books again. I've read most of them at least a dozen times and I've listened to the audio books a bunch too. (The version read by Stephen Fry. He's the best.) I never really got into the movies, though. They were okay. The actors did fine for the most part, but they just didn't live up to the books. I would have mixed feelings if someone wanted to make one of my books into a movie. On one hand, it would be awesome to see the characters and story up on screen, but I know things would be changed, and that would be difficult to allow. I would want to be involved to keep everything as close to my version as possible, and I know that isn't usually granted. I guess I'll just be happy with people reading the books :)

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