

Saturday, March 5, 2016


First of all, thanks to all who entered my art giveaway. This has been the most successful giveaway I've done. It was fun to read the comments and see new followers on my Facebook page and shop. I hope you'll continue to participate as I move forward. Now, since there were so many entries, I decided to increase the number of winners to three. Three winners!! They were chosen randomly and have been notified by email. Here are their names:

Carrie J.
Emma C.
Amanda S.

If you are one of them, check your email and let me know which picture you'd like!

I'll share they're choices later on. In the meantime, I wanted to offer everyone else a discount for being awesome. Head over to my shop and use the code GVAWY1 to save 20% on your order. This code expires on March 31, so use it soon. Please also consider leaving a review on my shop as well so other potential buyers will have some added encouragement. Thanks again!

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