

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Remember the Name Game?

For those of you who have read Soulless, you still have a chance to participate in the Name Game, which is helping me pick the real name of Cress, the main character of the book. I've updated the entry method for your convenience. I've had a few entries already, but I need more to make this interesting. When I have a bunch of suggestions, I'll pick my favorites and then let everyone vote. The person with the most liked name will win something!

If you haven't read Soulless yet, the ebook is only $.99 on Amazon. The print book is currently $8.08.

I've been sick this last week with a cold, which itself is not fun, but I also suffer from chronic insomnia. Put them together and you have a tired, cranky, sniffly Kacie. Hopefully things will clear up soon. I'm going to start on some different supplements to help with the insomnia as well. I can't remeber the last time I was able to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time... (It's 3:00 am and here I am posting this. I'd much rather be sleeping)

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