Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thoughts and Other Mind Spew

I'm going to start my new ABC Characters next Saturday. If you don't mind, I just need to write down some thoughts.

Writing is hard. Whether it's trying to come up with the next scene or making the dialogue sound realistic, I've hit all the bumps along the way. I received my proof copy of Taela a few days ago and it looks great. The cover is beautiful, the cream colored pages are just what I wanted. There are a few things that need adjusting, like the alignment on the spine and line spacing. Then I decided to go ahead and read through the entire book one more time, just to see if I need to catch any more minor mistakes. With a red pen and a stack of small sticky notes, I got to work.

There are more sticky notes than I anticipated.

Some are for actual mistakes, which is supremely annoying since I was sure I caught them all last time I read through it, before I published the ebook version. Some of the sticky notes are for cosmetic reasons, meaning I didn't like a word choice or a particular sentence needed to be reworded. Nothing serious. My husband warned me that I shouldn't make any serious changes, since it would make it different from the ebook, but I think what I've done is so minor, and necessary, that it will be fine. I figure that since the print version will cost more to make and purchase, I want it to be near perfect. Husband said, "No book is perfect." While I agree that mistakes can be found in practically any book out there, I hate the thought of people spending their money on something I've worked so hard on only to find simple mistakes that a ten year old would notice. It's embarrassing. And I think I, as a self-published author, need to work that much harder to prove I'm worth your time and money. I love to write and I love the stories that are swirling around in my head. So, I apologize for mistakes you may see. I'm trying really hard to make my books the best that I can. And thank you for the support you give me, whether is buying my books or simply reading my blog.

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