Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In Review

Summer is winding down. It went by fast, didn't it? A lot has happened in the past couple of months. I published my fourth book, which was supposed to be done earlier this year. Better late than never. I started working on a web comic. Lots of fun so far. I started a couple of games for my readers to participate in- Name Game and Quote Game. Both will result in a prize or prizes, so I hope you play along. I entered a contest on booktrack.com by adding a soundtrack to chapters of Hugh Howey's book Half Way Home. You can still listen to/read what I've done and give stars to help me out. (just sign up and type Kacie Taylor in the search bar to find my entries) And most recently, I started recording an audio version of The Bride. All this while moving to a new house and trying frantically to finish the kitchen in the old place before we rent it. Though it's been rather stressful at times, I'm happy with the things I've accomplished. I would love for all of you to check out these fun things. Also, I would LOVE some reviews on amazon and goodreads. Readers can be an author's greatest ally in helping us succeed. I have a few special things in mind for fans who go the extra mile, so stay tuned.

I added a "subscribe by email" thingy on the right hand side of the blog. If you want all my new posts to come directly to your email, join up!

Thank you for all you do!

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